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President's Letter 09 2024

John C Brueggemann | Published on 9/25/2024

August 30th, 2024

Where is everybody?  Ha, just kidding.  But several members of your leadership team have not been sitting at home during this past month.  Trips included rides in Ireland, Alaska and Maine.  The BMWRA Rally is this weekend and several of our members are enjoying the cooler temperatures in Fryeburg Maine.  Initial reports are very positive and we should get a full report at the Monthly General meeting on September 8th.

Planning is going strong for your 2025 Winter Rally.  Door Prizes have been coming in and all the holes in the Swiss Cheese are starting to line up.  We still need a few more volunteers for this event.  It’s only successful if we have the volunteers to pull it off.  Key positions that still need to be filled are; Volunteers and Seminar Coordinators, Welcome booth, Garage Sale and Membership Desk. 

The Christmas Party this year will see us return to the popular Big Cabin Meeting Hall at Camp Chawenwaw in Green Cove Springs.  We’ll have the fire stoked up if the weather turns cold.

The BMW Dealership has made a special deal with the Greer training center for December 1st and 2nd for one day of off-road training and one day of street training.  There are only 3 slots left so you may want to act quick if you’re interested.  Contact Marcelo at for more information.

The ABC Challenge continues to progress over this summer.  Several members have achieved the 25 letter goal of the challenge.  There still is time to get more letters as the summer program runs through the end of September.  To date, our riders have visited 103 different cities.  I’m sure Tom will have more statistics as the event comes to a close.

We had a few day rides at the beginning of the month with an ABC loop ride through South Georgia.  There was also a breakfast ride to Starke which included members from the HMS and CMA motorcycle clubs.

The Third Quarter Social dinner was held at Whitey’s Fish camp where there were 35 or so in attendance.  The party stated outside, but we moved indoors for dinner as it was “a little warm” on the patio.  The food, service and atmosphere was an excellent venue to exchange stories over dinner and catch up with friends.  Check the websites calendar for the Fourth Quarter Social.  It should be just as fun.

We have a camping trip coming up in September to Iron Horse.  Chris has put together a nice ‘backroads’ ride to the event and should be a blast.  This will be my first time there.  I’ve heard stories, now it’s time to see for myself.

See you all at the September 8th meeting.  And remember, you’ll never see a motorcycle parked in front of a psychiatrist’s office.  Do your mind a favor and go for a ride and enjoy this beautiful world we have been given.